Meridian therapies for Orthopedic and pain disorders -Manila 2023

The Israeli Tan Center is pleased to invite you to a unique seminar – Meridian therapies for Orthopedic and pain disorders.6+1.

This seminar is the product of our work at the Tan Center and at the hospital and is the reason for a fair amount of our success in the spinal ward. The most important thing for an Acupuncturist is the understanding that one must diagnose the meridian involved in the illness. This understanding is the root of all treatments in the Acupuncture world and it is a major part of Chinese Medicine. After the diagnosis, one of the options for treatment is that the meridian involved in the illness will also be the meridian chosen as part of the treatment protocol. In this unique seminar, we will learn to use the meridian that is involved in the illness itself to treat the illness. We will show you our unique discovery of combining the meridian itself with its partner in Chinese Name Sharing (System no.1) or with its Exterior-Interior Relationship partner (System no.3) and we will explain why and how to implement it in the treatment. In this seminar we will learn, to use this technique, to treat a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions such as orthopedic pain, extremity radiation, sciatica, recurring and persistent inflammations such as Patello-femoral joint inflammation, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and more. The workshop is aimed at clinicians, both experienced and those at the beginning of their careers.

For other registration and payment method please contact Mrs.Merlie Ching +63 917 8228048

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